Where Were You?

I was asleep having pleasant dreams.
Where were you?
Did you know your life would be changed forever...or so it seems?
I was eating a meal.
Where were you?
Did you know that we'd received a blow that would never heal?
I was taking my kids to school.
Where were you?
Did you know that terrorists were breaking every known rule?
I was busy trying to get ahead.
Where were you?
Did your heart break because you were in someone else's bed?
I was kneeling down to pray.
Where were you?
Did you regret not knowing the Lord before that day?
I was praying that many would be saved.
Where were you?
Did you know that the timid and shy would on that day be very brave?
I was glued to the TV.
Where were you?
Did you selfishly pray, Thank God it was them and not me?
I am remembering exactly where I was that morning.
Where were you?
Did you foresee the devastation that caused this endless mourning?
I am broken hearted that anyone would be so cruel..
Where are you?
Do you know a mosque may be built so near, the fires of hatred it will fuel?
Where Are you?
Virginia Archer

ENYA_Only Time.mp3