You are listening to Barry Manilow
" This One's For You "

A Touch Of Fall

It makes a world of difference.


Who knows when you wont be able to.

Holding those emotions in is bad for you.

Kisses are the most wonderful things in the world.

Whats the point in hiding happiness?

Why not let him or her know you're unhappy?

You don't wanna lose friends.

There is no better feeling being wrapped
up close to someone you love.

Because life is everything.

Sweet Potato Puff

2 cups mashed sweet potato
2 tablespoons butter
salt and pepper
1/4 cup milk or cream
1 egg

To the mashed potatoes add the melted butter, seasonings and milk.
Beat the egg yolk and white separately, add the yolk to the potato
mixture and then fold in the white.
Bake in one dish or in individual

molds until puffy and brown.

Make your own Countdown Clocks



Thank you for joining me today. Here is wishing you all a good

day filled with things that you love -- be safe and always remember

to be aware of everything and everyone around you. Please join

me again tomorrow !!

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just click on the donate button below.Thank you!

  All copyrights belong to the original artist 
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   to those who have expressed a prior interest in 
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No material in this mailing should be taken and
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That is wrong.
My donations are solely used
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"Thank You"
Susan K
