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Glen Campbell

"By The Time I Get To Phoenix"

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Calendars on my page
today by Lois


When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry,
 show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile. 
~Author Unknown

If one dream should fall and break into a thousand pieces,
 never be afraid to pick one of those pieces up and begin again.
 ~Flavia Weedn

When it is dark enough,
you can see the stars. 

~Ralph Waldo Emerson

The difficulties of life are intended
to make us better, not bitter. 
~Author Unknown

Quick Chicken and Dumplings

2 cans (18.6 oz each) Progresso®
Rich & Hearty chicken pot pie style soup

1 can (7.5 oz) Pillsbury®
refrigerated buttermilk biscuits

Chopped parsley, if desired

  In 10-inch nonstick skillet, heat soup over medium heat,
stirring occasionally, until bubbly. Separate dough
into 10 biscuits; cut each into quarters. Place biscuit
quarters on top of hot soup. Simmer uncovered 10 minutes.
Cover; simmer 8 to 10 minutes longer or until biscuits are
no longer doughy. Sprinkle with parsley.
Be sure to place the biscuits over a boiling-hot
chicken mixture; the heat from the
stew starts to cook the dumplings.

Autumn Chores

Our vintage Almanacs advise us to finish planting tulips
and other hardy bulbs, to have all potatoes dug,
and to make sure that apples are picked before the
end of the month. Trees should be
pruned before a winter wind takes
any dead branches.
See more gardening jobs for October.

Have a good Wednesday! Join me tomorrow.
Be safe and always be aware of everything and
everyone around you.


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  All copyrights belong to the original artist 
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   to those who have expressed a prior interest in 
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and educational or criticism purposes only.
No material in this mailing should be taken and
used for profit. That is wrong. 
My donations are solely used
faithfully for costs I receive for maintaining my website
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"Thank You"
Susan K